
Developed highly uniform functional nano-patterns using Hexapro's AAO as a template

(Joint R&D ongoing since March 2024, following technology transfer from  ).

Anti-reflection film manufactured using Hexapro AAO as a template 

In the case of anti-reflection film manufactured using Hexapro AAO as a template, the reflectance is reduced by more than 40% compared to PET film. 

Principle of Anti-reflection and Low-reflection Film

There are cases where the display screen is not visible well because surrounding objects or scenery are reflected on the surface due to reflection of external light such as fluorescent lights and sunlight. The larger the display screen and the brighter the surroundings, the more reflection occurs. 

Hexapro's anti-reflection film works by eliminating surface reflection caused by light interference. Hexapro's anti-reflection film forms a pattern using AAO, so that the refractive index gradually changes to match the lower substrate as it goes down to the lower region of the pattern, thereby reducing reflection. The reflectance of a typical glass or plastic surface is usually about 4-5%, but it is known that attaching a low-reflection film can reduce the reflectance to 0.1 to 0.3%. 

Schematic of Functional Pattern Formation using UV Nanoimprint Lithography
Schematic of Functional Pattern Formation using UV Nanoimprint Lithography

AAO-Based High-Uniformity Nano Pattern Manufacturing Technology 

Developed highly uniform functional nano-patterns using Hexapro's AAO as a template 

(Joint R&D ongoing since March 2024, following technology transfer from ).

Anti-reflection film manufactured using Hexapro AAO as a template

Anti-reflection film manufactured using Hexapro AAO as a template

In the case of anti-reflection film manufactured using Hexapro AAO as a template, the reflectance is reduced by more than 40% compared to PET film.

In the case of anti-reflection film manufactured using Hexapro AAO as a template, the reflectance is reduced by more than 40% compared to PET film.

Principle of Anti-reflection and Low-reflection Film 

AAO-Based High-Uniformity Nano Pattern Manufacturing Technology 

There are cases where the display screen is not visible well because surrounding objects or scenery are reflected on the surface due to reflection of external light such as fluorescent lights and sunlight. The larger the display screen and the brighter the surroundings, the more reflection occurs.

Hexapro's anti-reflection film works by eliminating surface reflection caused by light interference. Hexapro's anti-reflection film forms a pattern using AAO, so that the refractive index gradually changes to match the lower substrate as it goes down to the lower region of the pattern, thereby reducing reflection. The reflectance of a typical glass or plastic surface is usually about 4-5%, but it is known that attaching a low-reflection film can reduce the reflectance to 0.1 to 0.3%. 

Schematic of Functional Pattern Formation using UV Nanoimprint Lithography

Schematic of Functional Pattern Formation using UV Nanoimprint Lithography

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Corporate name Hexapro Co., Ltd. 

CEO Kim Taesun

Personal Information Manager  Kim Taesun

Headquarters  5, 105, Yujin Techno Valley, 253-5

Wonsi-ro, Danwon-gu, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do

Hanyang University Branch  533, ERICA Campus Incubation Center, 55 Hanyang University-ro,

Sangnok-gu, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do

TEL  02-6497-3450 


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Privacy Policy     Terms of Use

Corporate name Hexapro Co., Ltd.

CEO Kim Taesun   Personal Information Manager  Kim Taesun

Headquarters  5, 105, Yujin Techno Valley, 253-5 Wonsi-ro, Danwon-gu, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do

Hanyang University Branch  533, ERICA Campus Incubation Center, 55 Hanyang University-ro,

Sangnok-gu, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do

TEL  02-6497-3450   E-MAIL

COPYRIGHT (C) HEXAPRO. All Rights reserved